Monday, August 01, 2005

I´m gonna call her "E"

Because you never know who may read your blog...

I met her a few years ago...we used to work together...we never were friends, but we were cordial with each other...time goes by and we argue...heavily argue...and we stopped talking to each other...even though we were co workers...

Normally I would never hold any grudges against no one...but with her... I did...I finally quit to that job...years went by...and I still hated her...

I pictured in my mind different scenarios where I could meet her, and I always thought..."I´m not gonna greet her...I´m not even gonna look at her..." But I never saw her...

Until that day...that day some three months ago or so...

We went to a birthday party...and there she heart pounded...and I tried to not look her way...

Finally she got up and went over to say hi...

She was the bigger person...she made me feel so dumb for holding that feeling for so many years now...

She asked me about my kids...I told her they were fine and healthy...and I asked her if she had had any kids by now...(she is about 31 years old) and she told me "We have not been able to do so...God has not sent them yet..."

And her whole face changed to a sad look...

I realized that for so long I´ve been holding this feeling against her, and she had bigger problems on her own...

The only one hurting herself was me...

We left the party, and I thought about her for days...but in a different way...

Months went by ... Sunday, July, 31 (yesterday)

We had to go to another birthday party...(Alberto´s family related)

Same situation...different person...

There is someone there...Im gonna call her "S"...she doesn´t like me one bit...and I really don´t know why...seriously...If I did, I would definitely tell you...

It was s daughter birthday party...

Three years ago, I attended to her daughter´s birthday party and she was INCREDIBLY rude to me...I promised myself never to come back again to any of her events...

But yesterday, it was different...I went, I smiled, I buried the hatchet...

When I first arrived, "S" didn´t even look at me...but I was fine with it..I knew better....I knew that the only one hurting herself, was her...

At the end, when we were saying our goodbyes...I walked up to her...I thanked her for the evening, and hugged her...and it was real...

She said "Thank you for coming..."

"E": you definitely taught me a lesson...


52X Max said...

hahahaha (in english)

I'm guessing at least one of them doesn't speak english, am i right?

tv said...

hey nice lesson! nice english! you are very cool monica!.see you later! :D

NaDyA K..... said...

Como dicen, "por algo suceden las cosas, para que de todo podamos aprender". Que bueno que los rencores quedaron a un lado. SaLuDiNeS mOni =)

Mónica Román said...

hey nacho...pues si eh...una no habla ingles...pero no lo hice asi por eso...por alguna extraña razon cuando estaba acomodando el post en mi cabeza, solo podía acomodarlo en inglés...strange strange...

Alex said...

wow! ke buen post... y en ingles... me gusto mas...

aBe! said...

yo creo que aplica perfectamente lo de ¨el que se enoja pierde¨ pensamos que con nuestro enojo le hacemos daño a alguien y como bien dices los únicos perjudicados somos nosotros mismos... bien por tu amiga pero sobre todo bien por ti, por la lección aprendida y por compartirla! :D
Saludos Mony!

avedeeo said...

hey gracias por la visita :D y excelente post, soy bastante rencorosa, moni, you really taught me a lesson...

BRENDAH said...

"E" was always a good person, and yes, sometimes that shit happens.

I don't if you're that kind of scorpio, but, once I read that for "us" is very hard to forget about sad or hard things that we got into.

I consider myself like that, but also I know that scorpio's are very kind and nice people and finally, good hearted, like you!