Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Here i am, with a thousand thoughts in my head...I can´t believe how blogging has become such an important issue in my life...I can´t imagine myself without it now...One year has gone by, and god...i love my blog..and i love you all bloggers...

Im gonna tell you a little something...In a few weeks i´m going to go through an important event in my life...hopefully it would be a good thing...but i am feeling anxious/nervous/ and a little i always say...brave is my middle name...(no es nada del trabajooo!)

On lighter news...i need to update my everyday i feel like i´m forgetting to read some of your blogs...soon, soon i´ll do it.

i want to sleep more...

Like Ashlee said: "i laugh more than i cry"

Like Morrissey said: " no one i ever knew or have spoken to resembles me, this is good or bad, all depending on my general mood"
the actual lyrics say you instead of me...but in last year´s concert, he said me, and i thought it was the coolest thing ever... think about can be really pretentious or really humble..

i looove morrissey love love love love love him...but...y´all knew that...didn´t you?

good night.


aBe! said...

cheers for your bravery!!! ... and my best wishes for your important event soon... =)

Anonymous said...

yeah i share the abe´s view...but you worry me... you worry us -bloggers- k todo salga bien... aki estaremos en la blogsfera... para poyarte en lo ke sea...

Marcos Legaspi said...

¿se supone que es un post y comentarios en inglés?

Porque si es asi, yo rompi con la magia!

52X Max said...

pues ojala y todo te salga bien, para asi poder estar alegre en esta epoca

y si, eso de los blogs es absorbente, ya kiero regresar

(a mi me vale y comento en español)

Chava said...

Elburning man lo conoci hace como dos años por un documental del fotografo spencer tunick ( Pero a poco no esta poca madre el festival????

salu2 monika!

Kamelie said...

Bien Mónica, sé que tu puedes, adelante y mucha suerte en tu evento.

Te deseamos lo mejor.

Alekz Luthor said...

Whenever somebody face such things the best way to solve it is do kind of little pray to whoever we worship to.

I have to be honest, initially don't like the way you were, as a matter of fact you're still in the same way, but the concept that I had about you has been changed now. Because seems like you're a person just spilling the love for life as well as the beloved ones, and I really appreciate that kind of persons.

Besides, I'm living actually in the "suns" street(sounds better in english by the way) i'm your neighbor but please don't think that I'm kind of insane fan or something like that, because I'm very responsible person (i believe so) with a wife and beautiful daughter.

I just wanted to cheer you up and provide some support as well for the event you said you're gonna face to.

I hopefully you'll be a'right among that, and even for every single event you might have in near future.

Go ahead bravery !!

PS. I work for a Korean company as well.
PS 2. Do you know that our Zip code don't even exist yet in the post service ? I have to use others all the time.

tv said...

good luck friend!!!

Mónica Román said...

alekzillo: deberias de saludarme en vivo vecinoooo!

antes asi lo tenia, pero luego hubo unos que se volvieron locos y malos...

mil saben como aprecio que se preocupen por mi...