Saturday, April 23, 2016


lo de hoy es snapchat, homies.
(siganme, by the way: monicaroman17)

y estoy TODA ENAMORADA viendo la history de John Mayer.
haganse un favor y siganlo.
es tan lindo, simpatico, chistoso, profundo, divertido, nonononono. marry me now.
oh, wait.

pero el caso es que el bato se fue solito a coachella.
empezo a empacar su ropita, su guitarra, y dijo;

there comes a time when a man stands still for so long, that even his mind becomes still.
i am that man,
and thats gonna change.
im gonna hit the road in 90 minutes
Am I going wiith friends? I will not be LEAVING with friends but I will be GOING with friends, because I will MAKE friends.
I'm going alone because i cant find anyone else who wants to come with me, and that's no reason not to go somewhere"

y justo asi siento que soy yo.

y me hace muy feliz.

casi quiero llorar.

lagrima en ojo derecho detectada.

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