Friday, April 22, 2005


Adam Duritz:

* Vocalista de Counting Crows

*Autor de uno de mis discos favoritos de todos los tiempos "August and Everything After"

* Ex novio de Courtney Cox (Monica de Friends)

* Ex novio de Jennifer Aniston (Rachel, ex Mrs. Pitt)

* Ex novio de Monica Potter (la guerita de "Patch Adams" quien le inspiró "Mrs. Potter´s Lullaby"...buenisima canción!)

OK, suficientes antecedentes...

Acabo de descubrir que Adam Duritz tiene un blog, y hasta el tiene el molesto problema de los super nacos en su tag...Pero, he is the bigger person!!!! check it:

Some of you are truly unpleasant people. Reading the board alternately makes me want to write updates and never write again, often for the same reason. Oh well. Can't have everything. Can't like everybody. Can't have everybody like you. Just the way of the world. I can live with it if you can.

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